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Interior design and decoration - Warm space for every family

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In the world of interior design and decoration, creating beautiful and harmonious living spaces is not only a matter of arrangement but also a delicate combination of art and function. Each designed room brings a unique story, from the choice of colors, materials to small decorative details.

Choosing colors is not only to create a warm or cool feeling, but also to match the homeowner's personality and the surrounding environment. Materials such as natural wood, granite or tempered glass not only ensure aesthetics but also enhance the sustainability of the space.

Decorative details such as pictures, plants or small furniture add to the vibrancy and personalization of the space. In particular, the skillful use of natural and artificial light for each bedroom or slope game room of gamers is also an indispensable factor, providing a spacious and relaxing living space.

In short, interior design and decoration is not simply about creating living space but also the art of turning each house into an inspiring and comfortable home for both the homeowner and visitors.

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隨著家中長輩的身體健康與日常需求的改變,近年來「熟齡宅設計」已成為室內設計中詢問度日益攀升的項目之一。根據訴求的不同,設計師們會依循屋主習慣以及未來可能發生的情 ...
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