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木心板與夾板的強度? 木心板夾板優缺點?

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I think to determine differences between wood core or plywood, you have to determine first what you'll be using them for. Plywood has always been an easy go to for most construction employees due to it being sturdy in nature but easy to manipulate as well. Similar to some skins in Snake.io, you always try to weigh the differences of that skin or the other.

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I think to determine differences between wood core or plywood, you have to determine first what you'll be using them for. Plywood has always been an easy go to for most construction employees due to it being sturdy in nature but easy to manipulate as well. Similar to some skins in Snake.io, you always try to weigh the differences of that skin or the other.

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Actually, each type of device has different advantages and disadvantages. Depending on the purpose of use, choose the type of material used to suit your needs. Your  snake.io sharing is really helpful