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What do you know stumble guys online?

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A clone of Fall Guys called stumble guys is a huge hit in the mobile game industry.

Stumble Guys appears when a user searches for Fall Guys in their particular application store. This makes perfect sense, since the former isn't even relevant on mobile. Moreover, there are no plans to adapt it to handheld devices, which seems unlikely given Epic and Apple's cordial working relationship.

Some may still call stumble guys online a clone because of its many similarities to other things. The stages and riddles look a lot alike, and the players' main objectives are the same.


近年來斷捨離概念逐漸普及,不少人開始著手整理家中的物品,藉由淘汰物品來重新審視生活。但在執行過程中,總會發生一些狀況,讓斷捨離之路寸步難行。今天的文章會為你整理 ...
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