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Benefits of CPS test (Clicks per Second Test)

Nicholas Whitmarsh 寫到 :

Utilizing the CPS test has various advantages, particularly for gamers who play FPS video games or PvP video games.

Increased Click Speed: CPS clicker enables your technique and masters quicker clicking methods such as jitter hitting, butterfly clicking, and drag flicking. With enough methods and the ideal strategy, gamers have improved their CPS upto 12 clicks per second.

Fast Response: Gamers must have rapid action time to any activity in the video game. With the high Clicks per 2nd rating, your response time decreases as you click much faster and much faster every time.

Increased Chances to Win: Whether you are playing Minecraft Pvp or Fortnite, the faster you click, the better your chances to win. The Clicks per 2nd test can eventually help you win your favorite games as you can defeat increasingly more opponents.

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