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What makes Monkey type's typing club apart from others?

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Monkey type Typing Club is a unique typing practice website that offers several features that set it apart from other typing practice websites:

Wide Range of Typing Exercises: Monkey type Typing Club offers a wide range of typing exercises, including word, sentence, and paragraph typing tests. It also offers timed typing races and typing games, which can help make typing practice more engaging and fun. Real-Time Feedback and Statistics: Monkey type provides real-time feedback on your typing performance, including your words per minute (WPM) typing speed and accuracy. It also provides detailed statistics on your typing performance, such as your error rate and typing speed over time, which can help you track your progress and identify areas for improvement.

Customizable Settings: Monkey type allows you to customize typing exercises according to your needs and preferences. You can adjust the difficulty level, select typing exercise types, and customize the keyboard layout. Clean and Minimalist Interface: Monkey type's interface is clean and minimalist, which can reduce distractions and make typing practice more focused and productive.

Completely Free: Monkey type Typing Club is free to use, making it accessible to anyone who wants to improve their typing skills. Overall, Monkey type Typing Club is a comprehensive and user-friendly typing practice website that offers various features and customization options to help users improve their typing skills.

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