Turning light box 扭轉光盒
B. 扭轉LED光箱,此一區設定做為全公司討論設計放鬆舒緩神經之區域,炫目亮眼並且隨意感強烈的LED發光層板,搭配薄酒精飲料,在此激盪出廣告人的創意與意念。LED層板每一個單元皆完全相同,藉以不同旋轉角度相互拼接,形成高低錯落的隨意擺放空間,藉此營造隨性與創意感。
A. The huge front entrance wall design is made with a total of 260 pieces of thin metal plates, with each plate rotated at a 6 degree angle. The metal plates are placed in 8 layers in a staggered fashion. This unique design captures the sensation of turning a new page. Each page showcases the company’s work history and monumental eras, including every memorable client projects. The whole concept serves reinforces the advertising design company’s creativity and service quality.
B. Turning LED light-box: This entire area is a place for the whole company to relax while discussing work. The dazzling and freely positioned LED light-boxes, coupled with light alcoholic beverages, reinforce the advertisers’ creativity and innovation.
Each LED light-box is exactly the same but the inconsistent angles allow for a variety of shapes and placements, which creates a laid-back atmosphere and a visual that embodies creativity.
LED光箱/LED light-box
A single design element can be positioned at different angles, allowing for endless design combinations, as well as unreal and wondrous visual effects to express the advertising design company’s lively and powerful design theme.
The goal of this design is to create the sensation of reading a book and turning a new page for visitors.
A single element can be combined into multiple concoctions and at various directions to create multiple effects. Hence, combining different elements can produce entirely different results. Using this concept to design the liquor cabinet, we can express the desired effect.
A control to alter the lighting patterns of the light-boxes, such as the brightness or speed of blinking, can also be used to create even more effects for the cabinet.